2012年8月5日 星期日

Working Holiday 打工渡假- One day in August

One day, I got a day off in the first week of Aug.
It's a sunny day with warm breeze.
My sis Pony need to work that afternoon so we cook and have breakfast together.
Talk something about the past three months and keep silent.
She left for Freo at eleven o'clock.

I feel empty from my deep heart and cry myself. It's unexpected and i scared myself.
Love is tender when each other believe in it
but it hurts when someone gives up.
I'm not one of it.

My heart's broken when the honey leave.
You know what i mean?  No
cuz only i know who leave from my life.

I'm still good and keep happy all the time. Mess around with friends, dance and laugh.
But i don't know why i just think of something
you encourage me to do.

Something you fond of 
 you care
your sweet  voice
make me cry this nice Monday afternoon.
My heart is empty as if you never come.


